This being my first "toe in the water" where blogging is concerned, I'm afraid I'm flying by the seat of my pants. Infuriatingly, I'm finding it hard to expand beyond the 140 character limit to which I've become accustomed. Also, the design. If any of you fancy giving me some positive, or even not so positive, criticism I'd be most grateful.

Okay, so, where to begin? The Bitch Queen is currently in the bath, the dogs are snoozing and the beautiful clock I've recently finished (I rescue and renew old furniture as a bit of a sideline.) is tick-tocking away reassuringly in the corner of the room, where its propped against a pile of vintage suitcases and right besides my golden, Pulp Fiction themed piano. That's right, GOLDEN piano! My lounge is beginning to resemble a cross between Steptoe's parlour and Liberace's lavatory.

Times are hard in our house. We laugh a lot but, like most these days, we've not a lot to laugh about. Enjoy the little things, that's the secret. Oh, and dogs. Dogs were designed to make you smile. Not cats though. Vile creatures. If a cat looked like what it actually was, you'd never have it in your house.

She's out of the bath now. Cue one hour forty minutes of hair straightening and pouting at herself in the mirror, before she finishes the de-uglyfication process by setting the make-up canon to "slag" and turning it on herself. As ever in these moments I find solace in taking the dogs for a good, long walk. See, dogs. Dogs are the key to any happy home. Take care peeps, and enjoy the little things.
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